MDM Food Security Allownce kupan vitaran Mate Ni EXEL File And Paripatra

MDM Kupan Vitaran Mateni Exel File And Paripatra Download Now

Gujarat introduced MDM scheme in 1984 and is pioneer state in providing hot cooked meals.Total 36108 Schools are Covered by the MDM 44.92 Lakhs children 92,815 Cook cum Helpers  Budget sanctioned for 2016-17 is Rs.104036.95 Crores

Feature of the file

1. One file for all parts

2.Exemption from downloading a different file each time

3. Grain coupons will be made according to the present day count of the children who enter the school in the middle and leave the school in the middle. this. D. like this. You will also be able to create a bank statement with the coupon.

5. No need to make a separate roll.

6. Passwordless file

7. All children's coupons can be easily printed in a short time by following the instructions. 

Gujarat introduced MDM scheme in 1984 and is pioneer state in providing hot cooked meals.Total 36108 Schools are Covered by the MDM 44.92 Lakhs children 92,815 Cook cum Helpers  Budget sanctioned for 2016-17 is Rs.104036.95 Crores



– Central Share Rs. 463.11 Crores

– State Provision Rs. 577.26 Crores

It is customary in Gujarat to host public dinner on festival

days or social occasions like

1. Marriage anniversary

2. Birth anniversary

3. Death anniversary

4. Any special occasion like any educational or social achievement like ranking first in school, promotion etc.

• It is also very common that in many villages sweets are distributed in people on the occasion of birth of a child or success in exam etc.

• Taking advantage of the above social values , GOG has

started TITHIBHOJAN yojana .

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